CEO of EpiPen Maker Mylan Sees 671% Compensation Increase In 8 Years

Mylan Pharmaceuticals gained notoriety on par with Ryan Lochte with back-to-school news stories of its epic price hike on the EpiPen, a device that provides calibrated delivery of epinephrine in the case of anaphylaxis. Reports cited a 400% price increase for the devices, with families carrying high insurance deductibles bearing the greater burden to access a lifesaving, accurately calibrated bolus of epinephrine worth about $1.

From 2007, when Mylan MYL -0.21% took on the autoinjector, the company built it from an apparently weakening enterprise into a pile of money that reportedly represents about 40% of its operating profits. But that 400% increase in wholesale price for EpiPen looks meager compared to the whopping 671% salary increase company CEO Heather Bresch is reported to have enjoyed in that same time period. Read More