OFCCP Guidance on Privilege Assertions Over Pay Equity Audit Materials

Since President Biden took office in January 2021, employers’ compensation and nondiscrimination practices have been under increasing scrutiny by the federal government. For example, the recently issued Directive 2022-01—the Office of Federal Contract Compliance Programs (OFCCP) of the United States Department of Labor’s first directive since President Biden took office—directly underscores that pay equity is a priority of the new administration. This Directive, among other mandates, makes clear that OFCCP intends to challenge whether employers can rely on the attorney-client privilege and work product doctrine to protect internal pay equity audits from being produced when requested by OFCCP as part of its investigations into regulatory compliance. As a result, companies should be particularly mindful of how they conduct internal pay equity analyses going forward. This is especially important considering OFCCP Director Jenny Yang has recently declared that going forward, it is “redoubling its efforts to remove barriers to pay equity.” READ MORE