The 2023 Say on Pay Season – Outcomes and Observations

Say on Pay (SOP) votes were mandated by the Dodd-Frank Act of 2010 as a mechanism to allow shareholders to voice their opinions about the level and structure of executive compensation as well as promote the engagement of companies and their shareholders regarding a key area of corporate governance. The general view was that shareholders would increasingly reject executive pay programs by voting against the SOP proposal in years of poor total shareholder return (TSR) performance unless executive pay was reduced. Our findings show that the 2022 and 2023 SOP seasons run counter to this premise for S&P 500 Index companies. SOP failures in 2022 hit a record high (n=22) when TSR performance was strong (1- and 3-year TSR of 27% and 24%, respectively), whereas SOP failures in 2023 unexpectedly decreased (n=11) when TSR performance declined (1- and 3-year TSR of -19% and +6%, respectively). READ MORE