How to answer “What’s your desired salary?”

“What is your desired salary? What is your target compensation?” These are common questions job candidates and seekers likely have or will encounter on a job application or in an interview question when speaking with a hiring manager. 

How do you respond? What if you share a salary that is too high? Or too low? How do you even come up with a number in the first place? READ MORE

3 trap questions in salary negotiation (and a script for answering them)

Going through the interview process was stressful enough, but now there are trap questions during salary negotiations?

Yes, yes there are. The employer’s job is to get the best candidate at the lowest cost while the new employee is trying to get the highest compensation package. 

Am I the only one who is frustrated by job advertisements that make no mention of salary? The idea of going through a process blind and not knowing what you may be offered can be extremely annoying. Advertisements are structured this way for a reason. READ MORE