How To Get a VC to Boomerang Back For a $5 Million Series A Extension

Fundraising is simultaneously one of the most rewarding and painstaking parts of being a founder. No matter what anyone tells you, fundraising is hard. It requires long hours, endless pitching and more “nos” than most people hear in their lifetimes. And just when you think it can’t get any worse, there’s now a pandemic-driven economic crisis in the mix, along with a VC winter. 

When the pandemic first hit in 2020, my company, Anvil, found its purpose in aiding small to medium-sized banks as they distributed loans to small businesses. Our paper automation platform allowed most companies to not only enter the digital age, but flourish in it. In June of that year, we raised a $5 million Series A from investors such as Gradient Ventures, Citi Ventures, Menlo Ventures, Restive Ventures and 122 West.  READ MORE