A new study of executive compensation reveals chief HR officers (CHROs) at U.S. private companies are expected to earn a median salary of $117,000 in 2016—a 6.4 percent increase over 2015. The median expected CHRO bonus is expected to be $15,000—a 20 percent increase over 2015, if achieved.
The findings are reported in the 2016-2017 CEO and Senior Executive Compensation Report for Private Companies, published by the Chief Executive Group, a Stamford, Conn.-based research firm, and are based on compensation practices from over 1,300 private companies throughout the U.S. The firms were surveyed in April through June 2016 about their 2015 fiscal year compensation levels and practices, as well as their current and expected cash compensation levels for CEOs and senior executives in 2016.
Comparisons with Other Top Officers
Looking at 2015, the median salary for a CHRO at a private company comprised total cash compensation that was less than other senior-level positions, the report shows. Read More