The best way to close gender pay gaps is to find the source of unfair pay

Businesses can close gender pay gaps, reward high performance and improve their compensation strategy by identifying the true source of pay inequity and fairly allocating raises to the most underpaid women, according to new research.

The researchers have developed their approach in collaboration with dozens of businesses around the world ranging from 75 to 130,000 employees, supporting most firms in closing the gender pay gap either immediately or over the course of just a few years. READ MORE

Most US Employers Plan To Hike Pay and Address Pay Equity in 2022

If there was ever a time for employers to offer financial incentives to workers, it’s now, with millions of workers voluntarily leaving the workforce, the U.S. facing a massive labor shortage and American consumers grappling with the highest inflation rate in decades.

The vast majority of employers plan to respond by hiking their base pay rates this year, with many offering larger-than-normal raises, according to a new survey from Payscale. READ MORE

From equal pay to more paternity leave, here are 5 ways business leaders can fight for gender equity

As a gender economist, my job is to examine key trends of intersectional gender equity and quantify them in economic terms. The past two years have kept me on my toes as the pandemic has brought the cracks of intersectional gender equity to the surface. Women were not only on the front lines of the pandemic, they shouldered the majority of the job losses and fell out of the workforce at a rapid clip. READ MORE

The myths of ‘income inequality’

It is an article of faith among progressives that income inequality is getting worse in California. In fact, claims of a widening gap between rich and poor are used nationally to justify raising taxes and accelerate the redistribution of wealth.

But like other urban myths, such as how Prop. 13 supposedly starved local governments, it is easily debunked by critical analysis of the data. As it turns out, while the rich are in fact getting richer, so are the poor. READ MORE

Apple just banned a pay equity Slack channel but lets fun dogs channel lie

Apple has barred employees from creating a Slack channel to discuss pay equity. A member of the employee relations team, Apple’s version of HR, said that while the topic was “aligned with Apple’s commitment to pay equity,” it did not meet the company’s Slack Terms of Use.

“Slack channels are provided to conduct Apple business and must advance the work, deliverables, or mission of Apple departments and teams,” the employee relations representative told employees. READ MORE